Elliott Lunn, Ilatia Taga , Archie Day, Eli McGrath, Killara Atkinson and Malu Atkinson enjoy bush kinder sessions.
Photo by
Aidan Briggs
Berrimba kindergarten in Echuca is among 14 kindergartens set to receive $6000 in funding to support their bush kinder programs.
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Bush kinder encourages kindergartens to hold educational sessions outside in nature and to let children explore their surroundings without limits.
Berrimba early years manager Koralynn Dodds said the funding would be put towards providing more resources for its bush kinder sessions.
“We want to get some more resources such as sun-safe stuff and some structural things for out at the bush kinder site,” she said.
“Our bush kinder site is out at the Baroona farm and we have some stuff there such as logs and natural resources but we were hoping to upgrade some of that equipment.
“We were also looking to get some weatherproof resources such as raincoats and gumboots, things they can use to go out no matter the weather.”
Killara Atkinson cooked up a concoction in the sandpit.
Photo by
Aidan Briggs
Berrimba first implemented bush kinder in 2016 and is currently running the classes one to two days a week.
The sessions are usually led by the children under the guidance and supervision of educators.
Ms Dodds said that letting children explore of their own accord was beneficial for them.
“Within our programs we have objectives to help the kids develop ... but we follow the children’s lead, mainly,” she said.
“They really thrive being able to explore their natural surroundings and all the bugs and stuff, and we just make sure that the kids have good supervision.
“It’s good to get them out on country and getting them to be free outside of a classroom.”
Ilatia Taga concentrates hard on the his sandcastle creation.
Photo by
Aidan Briggs
The Victorian Government said it would continue to invest in bush kinder programs, with $3.6 million already promised over four years to expand the programs in up to 600 kinder services across Victoria.