The Australian Rail Track Corporation, however, has moved to reassure local people that consultations are ongoing, and that local people will be able to have more input, with work on the project not due to start until late 2023.
After months of community activism, and consultation, ARTC agreed to relocate a section of XPT track in Benalla and remove its platform, and the existing vehicle overpass, as part of the Inland Rail Project.
In late 2021 ARTC presented concept plans for new works and invited community input.
Following that consultation it has now released modified station plans.
According to BBR, these new plans look just like the earlier plans, but with an extension to the underpass.
BBR member David Moore said the devil was in the detail, and the latest ARTC concept plans for Benalla station were misleading and inadequate, stating:
- The ARTC animation does not include the two-metre difference in height from McKellar St to the station entrance — it is shown as level. Will there be steps? No side view is provided, so this vital information is hidden;
- Disabled and wheelchair access will require a lengthy walk on a significant slope from the disabled parking;
- Access will be further restricted — fire, ambulance, police and SES vehicles will not have direct access to the station entrance;
- No passenger drop-off or pick-up point at the station entrance and no taxi rank or drop-off;
- The station entrance will be dominated by a huge concrete “bunker” underpass. It does not have to be positioned there;
- The design fails to use the new areas available after removal of the XPT line;
- The pedestrian overpass is higher than the station building, open to the weather and reminiscent of a cattle yard on stilts;
- The passenger shelters on the new platform are open to the weather, there are no toilets or enclosed shelter;
- No attempt is made to value or enhance the historic nature of the station buildings; and
- No “whole of precinct” design; the “junkyard” on the present site will remain.
Mr Moore said having endured decades of Benalla's “dysfunctional and unsafe” station precinct, BBR aimed to ensure that all new works got it right.
“We cannot accept a shoddy and second-rate design created by a freight company,“ Mr Moore said.
“BBR has consistently asked for professional architectural and heritage input into the design of the station precinct.
“Other station precincts in Victoria, such as Bendigo and Heathcote, that have been designed by VicTrack, show that there are much better options for Benalla than what the ARTC has presented.
“Given the state government owns the Benalla station precinct, BBR recently met with state Member for Northern Victoria Jaclyn Symes to request that BBR have a voice at the table when the Department of Transport, VicTrack and ARTC prepare their plans for Benalla.
“A representative from the office of state Minister for Transport Jacinta Allan also attended.
“At the conclusion of the meeting, Minister Symes said she would recommend BBR had stakeholder input in precinct design and that DoT should work with us.”
BBR chair Suzie Pearce said having grown up in Benalla, Ms Symes well knew the issues at the station.
“Better Benalla Rail looks forward to the ongoing support of Ms Symes and future discussion with DoT and ARTC on behalf of the Benalla community,” Ms Pearce said.
“A voice at the table is vital if a workable and functional station precinct design is to be created.”
An ARTC spokesperson said it was listening to the community.
“Last year the community told us that connectivity across the station precinct was important to them,” the spokesperson said.
“We have extended pedestrian connection across the station precinct and incorporated this into our existing concept visual model.
“The concept model aims to provide an indication of what’s possible, to enable further discussion with the community. It is not yet a design of what is being proposed to be built.
“Now we have incorporated this change, we are again listening to community feedback for both an extended pedestrian underpass or an extended overpass, where community views will help inform the next phase of design known as ‘reference design stage’ where plans are refined in greater detail.
“Last year we announced we are backing the track realignment for Benalla Station.
“Benalla is part of our second tranche of works, with construction not starting before late 2023. We understand the community is eager to arrive at a solution; however, we have plenty of time to work together.
“We remain committed to going through the design process with the community, and the community’s input will continue to be incorporated, where appropriate.”