The Sudanese community is taking over Maude St Mall on Saturday to celebrate its culture and tradition.
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Showcasing traditional clothing, music, activities, food and drinks, the event is part of Greater Shepparton City Council’s Culture Corner initiative.
The popular multicultural event started this year as a way to celebrate Greater Shepparton’s cultural diversity.
On the first Saturday of the month, the event has already featured the Malaysian, Iraqi, Filipino and Syrian communities.
With more than 14 per cent of Greater Shepparton’s residents identifying as being born overseas, council’s multiculturalism development officer Sarmed Yassin said the events celebrate the cultural differences found within the region.
‘‘Culture Corner is about showcasing one particular culture at a time to everyone and anyone in Greater Shepparton,’’ Mr Yassin said.
‘‘We want people from every culture to experience new things, get involved, celebrate our region’s diversity and have some fun with it.’’
The Sudanese community Culture Corner event is on Saturday in Maude St Mall, Shepparton, from 10 am to 2 pm.