
Growing for Success | Stop elm beetles, save your trees now!

A serene moment beneath the elm's leafy canopy. Photo by Contributed

Larry Smith and the Riverside Gardens team talk all things pots, plants and pruning in their weekly gardening column.

Golden leaves, golden moments with a golden elm tree. Photo by Contributed

As the temperature slowly rises over the spring months, we also see an increase in the number of little critters wanting to feast on our plants with all their lush foliage offering a smorgasbord of treats to choose from. Hoards of aphids and thrip come in waves and hungry caterpillars seem to appear from nowhere, all content on enjoying our gardens. In a lot of cases, these critters can be allowed to run their course without too much concern but when it comes to pests like the elm leaf beetle, it requires a concerted effort to try and minimise the damage they can cause.

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