There was a colour explosion at Mathoura Public School on Friday, November 24, as students took part in their annual Colour Run.
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A carnival of colour and happiness was held to help celebrate a brilliant year of learning at Mathoura Public School.
Year 6 students assisted with setting up the course and filled it with many exciting activities, including a mini trampoline, stepping stones, hurdles, hay bales and tunnels.
All costs associated with the Colour Run were covered by a Murrumbidgee Wellbeing and Resilience Grant.
Excitement built throughout the day and students were first treated to pizzas for lunch, followed by platters of fresh fruit.
With the arrival of the Mathoura Rural Fire Brigade's fire engine, along with parent helpers, students knew the celebrations were about to begin.
The students were sprayed with water, before heading off on the track. Bursts of vibrant colour splattered crisp white shirts along the way and the students’ smiles tell the rest of the story.
At the conclusion of the Colour Run, some of the Year 6 students were slimed.
Students then enjoyed a special ice cream treat, capping off a day they will long remember.