The Port of Echuca will be commemorating 160 years since the railway first arrived in Echuca back in 1864.
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The railway officially opened on September 19, 1864, and bridged the gap between Melbourne to Echuca before later on connecting the inner parts of Australia to the wider world.
Port of Echuca marketing officer Gerard Oman said the railway was the start of many things for Echuca.
“Lots of things happened because of the railway line,” he said.
“It made Echuca explode in terms of population and what Echuca was actually able to do.
“It was significant in the development of the whole of Australia.”
Echuca was the closest point on the Murray River to Melbourne and with the arrival of the railway, goods were able to be transported from communities along the river down to Echuca and then packed on to trains to be carried to Melbourne and beyond.
The local population also grew rapidly with the railways arrival. Echuca initially had a population of around 300 which shot to 1500 in the first 12 months and then to 3000 in only a couple of years.
In more recent times, with support from the Victoria Government’s Regional Tourism Investment program, the railway has since been refurbished.
Much of the works were concentrated on replacing and restoring the timbers along the Echuca wharf railway station platform and siding.
To commemorate the railways’ significance in Echuca’s history, Port of Echuca will host a cake-cutting ceremony at the Echuca Wharf Station in front of the A2 train on Saturday, September 21, at 11am.
The day will also mark the start of school holidays so there will be plenty for families and children to enjoy before and after the railways celebration such as:
The Echuca Moama Model Railway Club in the old woodturners building from 10am.
Ticketed paddlesteamer cruises on the PS Pevensey from 10.15am.
Large and small model train display set up for all ages.
Dookie Lions Club children mini train ride in pop-up park area from 10.30am.
Echuca Vintage Machinery Club in Murray Esplanade (Saturday and Sunday) — Free.
Traction engine in Murray Esplanade (Saturday only) — Free.
The Port of Echuca will continue to run school holiday activities over the two weeks.