Whether she's in her home country of Poland, Spain or here in Australia, she loves going for a spin on eight wheels.
But this love of a seemingly dying craze of the 1930s and 1970s didn't begin when she was a child.
“I remember I had moved to Madrid in 2005 and my friend introduced me to the skates,” Mrs Lee said.
“It was just for fun and we would skate around the city almost every day, I was definitely hooked from then.”
But it wasn't until a few years later when she moved to London that she found a whole group of people doing exactly what she was doing.
“I found this big group of skaters and I would join them as they went around London,” she said.
After meeting her husband, Jason, the couple decided to move to Echuca in 2017.
And for a long time, the wheels stopped turning on Mrs Lee's skates.
But a few months ago, she decided to lace and pad up once again.
“It's hard being a full-time mum of two daughters, I was struggling to find time for myself,” she said.
“I decided I wanted to start exercising again and thought ‘what about the skates?'”
She contacted her mum, who shipped her skates and pads to Australia so Mrs Lee could start to skate again.
“It has taken me a little while to relearn everything,” Mrs Lee said.
“Initially my main goal was to skate at least once a day and while it was difficult to find the right time at first I've got it worked out now.
“I usually get up a few hours before the girls do and go for a skate along the Campapse River, it's very beautiful.”
Mrs Lee is hoping one day her daughters might be able to join her.
“I tried to get my husband to try and hopefully when the girls are older they will be able to have as much fun as I do,” she said.
She is also hoping she might be able to find other people in Echuca-Moama who want to make a skating group.
“I've already got a group on Facebook, it's called Echuca inline skating (rollerblading),” she said.
“Although it's just myself and a few friends at the moment, I'm hoping there will be a few people who want to join this little community.”
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