PREMIUM News Faces of the GV | Patsy Lansdown By Caleb Francis May 23, 2023 Patsy Lansdown. Photo by Caleb Francis Patsy Lansdown Hold tight - we’re checking permissions before loading more content How old are you? I am 70. How long have you lived in the region? Three years. I was in Melbourne before. What do you do? I was a finance manager for a custom home builder in Melbourne. What are your favourite things to do in the region? I enjoy going to the movies with my grandchildren at the moment. I’ve seen two kids’ movies twice with different grandchildren. Any projects, clubs or groups you’re involved with? I am the president of the Lions Club of Shepparton. Where do you see yourself in five years? Definitely in Shepparton. I love having the community feel and love not having all the traffic that’s in Melbourne. Community Faces of the GV: Shaun Morris Sport Priest bags four in Knights season opener News Faces of the GV | Graham Fraser By Caleb Francis Cadet Journalist
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News Victoria Police targets family violenceChristmas Day saw a 33 per cent rise in family violence incidents in Victoria last year. By Ryan Bellingham
News Don’t play with campfiresFire authorities and public land managers are reminding campers to be safe this summer. By Georgia Tacey
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