Councillors agreed on a range of changes at the December 2020 meeting, extending some support measures that were put in place in April 2020 and decreasing some others.
Paid parking is back in town after the fee-free arrangement ended on January 1.
Mayor Chrissy Weller said initial measures were put in place in April, and additional financial support measures were then put in place in August in response to the ongoing pandemic and second wave.
“The impacts of the pandemic are as varied as our communities themselves,” Cr Weller said.
“Each person’s circumstance is different and while we have considered and endorsed ongoing measures, I would encourage individuals or groups who feel the measures do not support their specific circumstance to make contact.”
Financial support measures approved by council:
● Waive interest on current outstanding rates and charges until June 30, 2021.
● Suspend any debt collection until June 30, 2021 that is less than five years old.
● Waive entry fees for the Port of Echuca Discovery Centre, with fees adopted for guided tours.
● Recalculate utility charges for the 2020/21 financial year for community groups occupying council buildings and facilities by a user agreement and extend any payment terms of any outstanding fees until September 30, 2021.
● Waive monthly commercial rental payments for businesses impacted by the Victorian Government’s Restricted Activities direction and occupying a council building through a lease or licence agreement until December 31, 2020. Then commence a 25 per cent monthly rental reduction from January 1 to March 31, 2021; a 10 per cent monthly rental reduction from April 1 to June 30, 2021; then no rental reduction from July 1, 2021.
● Waive monthly commercial rental payments for community groups impacted by the state government’s Restricted Activities direction and occupying a council building through a lease or licence agreement until December 31, 2020. Then commence a phased discount of rentals. From January 1 to March 31, 2021 a 50 per cent monthly rental reduction; a 25 per cent monthly rental reduction from April 1 to June 30, 2021; and no reduction from July 1.
Council also approved the following measures, which will resume in 2021:
● Start charging 2020/21 child care fees, on cessation of the Commonwealth Government’s recovery package funding.
● Start debt collection in January 2021 for any outstanding service debtors incurred greater than 90-plus days.
Council itself has been impacted by the Victorian Government restrictions and the financial impacts will reflected in the review of the 2020/21 budget, currently under way.
More detail about the financial support measures are available on council’s website,