Building on work through December, the council is now one-third of the way through a three-month community engagement program.
The feedback will help inform the 2025-2029 Gannawarra Shire Council Plan, to be incorporated with the Municipal Health and Wellbeing and Community Vision plans for the next decade.
Mayor Garner Smith said councillors had enjoyed talking to residents about what council should prioritise to help with local issues.
“We look forward to holding similar discussions with residents across the Gannawarra during January and mid-February to collaborate on this important document,” Cr Smith said.
Over 20 community drop-in sessions will be held across the region from this week, including at neighbourhood houses and a range of community group meetings.
Northern District Community Health has also organised pool parties and social meals to serve as drop-in sessions.
Residents who attend can express what they like most about where they live, the challenges they face, and what they think the council should prioritise over the next 10 years.
“Councillors and staff will be in attendance at all drop-in sessions, which will enable you to contribute to the Council Plan and raise any matters with us,” Cr Smith said.
More information, including drop-in locations and Council Plan surveys, can be found at