
Hearing, healing and helping at Mystic Fair

Helping and healing: Angie Gregorich was one of the interesting exhibitors and presenters at the Mystic Fair, staged at the Rich River Golf Club on Sunday. Angie, from Inverloch, conducted a seminar for people who attended the fair (inset) and then shared the story of her own crystals. She operates Ayitiya Crystals and explains people do not pick crystals, they pick people.
Story to tell: Granny Boho (left) with Nathalia’s Julie Momm during a Mystic Fair reading that was conducted by the medium.
Spiritual support: Red Horse and his Native American Productions business will be back at Rich River Golf Club next month after a successful Mystic Fair event on Sunday. He provided Rochester’s Megan Weeks with some expert assistance through his healing hands.
Cards on the table: Intuitive tarot card reading is part of Cherene Akkersdyk’s skillset. She was enlisted by Numurkah’s Valissa Enever for an insight into what the future holds.
Looking to the future: Kristen Edgar from Cohuna listens intently to Cynthia Linard from Hecate’s Soul. Cynthia (inset with the cards from Kristen’s reading) provides psychic intuitive readings and was among several professionals on hand to listen and extend advice to customers.

Mystic Fairs are a popular means of improving an individual’s holistic health and there was a consistent flow of smiles leaving the Rich River Golf Club on Sunday afternoon.

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