The team, consisting of local players Zac Hind of the Seymour Tennis Club and Alex Ryan from the Broadford Tennis Club, as well as Adi Bhattacharya and Tom Ranson from Shepparton Lawn Tennis Club, finished third behind teams from the Central Highlands (first) and Barwon (second) regions.
Both Hind and Ryan play in the Broadford District Junior Tennis Association and were hand picked to represent the Goulburn region.
Competing in Portland, 100km west of Warrnambool, on the weekend of October 25 and 26, players contested several singles and doubles matches over the course of the weekend.
Though in a major hindrance, the weekend was marred by downpours of rain, with intense wind on Saturday and continuous showers on Sunday morning halting matches several times.
With teams separated into two groups, Goulburn performed strongly to finish second in group A.
The tournament then culminated in playoff matches on the Sunday afternoon to see who would take home the cup.
The John Fitzgerald Cup is held each year at a regional location, with four boys, aged 13 and under, from each region competing against teams from other regions.
Hind and Ryan will now continue their seasons with the BDJTA, as well as seek other representative opportunities still to come over the current summer tennis season.