“I understand council has received more than 3000 emails from community members opposed to this facility,” NSW Member for Murray Helen Dalton wrote in a letter to council.
“It is important council’s decisions reflect community standards.
“Given the level of public disapproval . . . I ask that council reverse its decision to approve this DA for a dog breeding facility on Thyra Road.”
Mrs Dalton said she was approached for support by Murray River councillor Geoff Wise, who voted against the approval and was considering a rescission motion to reverse the decision.
“While the development application may be consistent with the law, councils have an obligation to their ratepayers,” Mrs Dalton said.
“It seems the overwhelming majority of ratepayers do not want this facility.
“Rather than endure a costly battle in the courts, I hope the council listens to the community and reverses its decision.”
Association of Pet Dog Trainers Australia vice president Kathleen Kemp also voiced her concerns in a letter to council.
“As a resident of Moama, I was extremely saddened to hear that Ashley Fenn’s large-scale dog breeding facility application had been approved,” she wrote.
“Pregnant bitches in shelters are fostered out to a family home for a reason.
“The stress on the mother and puppies before and after birth in a facility that houses a large numbers of dogs is significant and is likely to contribute to behavioural issues later on in the pups’ (and mothers') life.
“It is impossible for large commercial breeding facilities to meet the required needs of our canine companions.
“I implore you to overturn the decision to allow this large-scale commercial dog breeding facility in our town and completely support Cr Geoff Wise’s appeal to change the decision and reject Ashley Fenn’s development application.”
Animal welfare groups concerned about Moama development
Murray River Council adopts draft companion breeding policy
Rochester animal breeding facility withdraws application amendment