A second petrol station for Mulwala, to be located at the corner of Melbourne and Inglis Streets, was approved, with conditions, unanimously at Tuesday’s Federation Council extraordinary meeting in Corowa.
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The development application for the estimated $1.8 million complex has a total of 2,711sqm and is to include service station, convenience store, signage and shop, at 91-93 Melbourne Street.
Acting as mayor at the meeting, Deputy Mayor Shaun Whitechurch said the development application is compliant and meets all the conditions of the LEP.
“There’s been a very extensive process involved and we have no reason to reject it,” Cr Whitechurch said.
The motion was moved and seconded by Crs David Fahey OAM and Andrew Kennedy respectively.
Cr Sally Hughes said she reluctantly supported the application but doesn’t believe the location is ideal. Cr Aaron Nicholls said the growing Mulwala needs the proposed service station which will provide benefits in terms of employment and increased opening hours.
The applicant, Scott Alcorn, of Alcorn Planning and Property, lodged the application on July 28, 2022.
Several further information requests were issued after lodgement of the application to address concerns relating to impacts upon drainage infrastructure in the vicinity of the site and provision of floor plans for the development.
The most recently amended plans in response to council’s information requests were lodged on July 25, 2023. The application was referred to Transport for NSW (TfNSW), as Melbourne Street is a classified road, and to Essential Energy, as electricity infrastructure is close to the development.
“Both agencies advised that they do not have objections to the development and have recommended conditions to be imposed in the Notice of Determination for the development,” council’s director development and environmental services Susan Appleyard said.
Four submissions and one petition containing 11 names were received prior to council’s November meeting. A second petition and another submission were received after the meeting.
All submissions objected to the development on a number of grounds, including perceived environmental and health risks, potential traffic congestion and future resale value of properties.
The application was on the council meeting agenda of November 28. Council resolved to defer consideration of the application, pending a site visit and an opportunity to discuss the proposal with submitters and the Mulwala community. The site visit and information session were conducted on December 5, 2023 with some 30 residents in attendance, with a mixture of non-supporters and supporters.
Minor amendments to proposed conditions have been included by council following the meeting held on December 5, including a curfew for illuminated signage on the site and a restriction on the use of the site by B-Double heavy vehicles.
The site is located within the E1 Local Centre zone and is not located within an area of heritage or environmental significance. The surrounding sites include a variety of land zones including E1 Local Centre, R1 General Residential and RE1 Public Recreation.
As a result, a mixture of land uses exist in the area, including commercial uses (shops, automotive services, and hotels), residential dwellings (detached and medium density) and public parks and open spaces. The local police station is located directly to the north on Inglis Street.
The proposed works will involve the construction of a fuel dispensing area with canopy that will have an overall height of 6.0m and includes: fuelling station canopy, three dual sided fuel dispensers to service six lightweight vehicles, one dual sided diesel dispenser to service two heavy vehicles, two double walled underground fuel tanks. A control building is proposed along the western boundary and will include: service station shop, food sales console, cold-room, storage room, bathroom, staff office; a refuse/services area and delivery bay to be located to the south of the control building.
The development proposes 16 car parking spaces (including one (1) accessible parking space) and four staff parking spaces. The site is proposed to be accessed from both Inglis Street (north) and Melbourne Street (east).
Landscaping will be provided and a 2.0m high acoustic fence is proposed along the southern section of the western boundary and western section of the southern boundary. The proposed signage includes building identification signs and identification signage along the refuelling canopy. A pylon sign, with an overall height of 9.02m, will be located towards the Inglis Street and Melbourne Street intersection.
Fuel deliveries are expected to occur three times a week during non-peak hours. Other deliveries were proposed at similar times and a delivery/collection bay has been designed to accommodate such processes.
The service station is proposed to operate seven days a week from 5am to 10pm and a maximum of four staff members will be present on-site during operation.