That is not the case at Nanneella Estate Primary School, which has three new starters this week.
And, as part of that same family, the tiny rural school will also have a new Prep student next year.
Nanneella Estate Primary School started this year with 14 students, one more than last year.
“Next year, we will have 13 and maybe another couple of Preps,” principal Tom Mangan said.
He said the school’s future was always assured while there was such a strong parental involvement, with strong backing from its school council.
“It’s one of the great things about our school. It is a fantastic family-supported environment,” he said.
To assist students in adapting to secondary school (four students will be making the transition next year), the entire school body is spending one day a week at Rochester Primary School.
“We go there every Wednesday. It helps the kids network and socialise, it’s particularly helpful for the kids going into Year 7,” Mr Mangan said.
Nanneella did not escape the floodwaters of October last year — three kids at the school had houses damaged and the families of another two had a business damaged.
Mr Mangan said there was plenty of excitement at the school with the impending tennis coaching, which was following the Positive Start Melbourne camp experience for the whole school.