Sub-branch president Ken Jones said it was an appropriate alternative as the garden — which was only recently opened after two years of hard work by volunteers — was a living memorial to every stage of Moama’s — and Australia’s — military history, through its displays, artefacts and plaques.
Mr Jones invited “everyone and anyone” in the twin towns to attend the service at 11am — but asked they be seated by 10.50am.
“Remembrance Day is always a shorter service than Anzac Day, but its significance is unrivalled as it originally signalled the end to the first global war — which soon after it ended was renamed the Great War, the war to end all wars because when the fighting finally stopped the world stared with disbelief at the carnage everyone had just endured,” Mr Jones said.
“Sadly, that proved too hopeful and very quickly wasn’t the case, and barely 20 years later we had World War II, and then Korea, followed by Vietnam and the Middle East and the shooting is still going on, now in Ukraine.
“But as much as November 11 marks a day of Remembrance, I believe it also stands as a stark reminder of which all people must be aware — war is a terrible last option.”
Mr Jones said the speaker at this year’s service would be Andrew Mole, from the office of local MP Peter Walsh and former McPherson Media Group group editor, who has been a lifelong military history student, backed by his university degree in modern European history with a focus on both world wars.
Mr Mole spoke at a service a few years ago, with the theme of his great uncle’s World War I enlistment in South Australia and his death on the Western Front, without ever firing a shot.
“His relative was helping out as a stretcher bearer the first week he was in the front line and was killed by artillery while carrying a wounded comrade back to a first-aid station,” Mr Jones said.
“I understand he may be talking about his father and his uncles, and their service in World War II, as well as having a rather interesting and unexpected outcome from his previous address.”
The Moama RSL Memorial Garden is at the rear of the Moama RSL club at 56 Merool Rd, Moama.