The Victorian Government announced in December that the new model, the Emergency Services and Volunteers Fund, would replace the Fire Services Property Levy from July 1, 2025.
The existing FSPL only funds Country Fire Authority and Fire Rescue Victoria.
The new ESVF will fund other volunteer and emergency agencies.
The Department of Treasury and Finance website lists the entities that will benefit from the ESVF, including VICSES, Triple Zero Victoria, State Control Centre, Emergency Recovery Victoria, Emergency Management Victoria and Forest Fire Management Victoria.
However, the list does not include Shepparton Search and Rescue Squad and Echuca Moama Search and Rescue Squad, which are independent units and not part of VICSES.
Volunteers are anxious for the future of their vital local services, as there is no indication they will receive any money from the new fund.
State Member for Northern Victoria Wendy Lovell said the government must commit to funding Shepparton Search and Rescue Squad and Echuca Moama Search and Rescue Squad.
“It would be grossly unfair for the Shepparton and Echuca Search and Rescue Squads to miss out on funding when revenue from the new ESVF is being distributed to all other emergency service agencies,” Ms Lovell said.
The Victorian Government’s submission to the inquiry into the October 2022 Victorian floods noted that the Shepparton Search and Rescue Squad was the busiest volunteer unit during the floods, fielding 980 requests for assistance.
In recognition of the outstanding operational effectiveness of the Shepparton squad despite severe resource constraints, Recommendation 57 from the Final Report into the floods called for the Victorian Government to “increase funding to Shepparton and Echuca and Moama Search and Rescue squads to ensure optimal response capabilities in future emergencies.”
Recommendation 49 also called for “increased funding for training of volunteers to boost the capacity of … Shepparton and Echuca Moama Search and Rescue Squads to respond to emergencies”.
Ms Lovell urged the Victorian Government to implement Recommendations 49 and 57, by committing to provide the squads with their fair share of funding from the new emergency services fund.
“The final report of the flood inquiry recognised that Shepparton Search and Rescue Squad had the most call outs, and specifically recommended that Shepparton and Echuca Moama Search and Rescue Squads receive increased resources and funding for training,” Ms Lovell said.
“The minister for emergency services must commit to funding Victoria’s two independent Search and Rescue Squads, along with the other emergency services.”
The News sought comment from the Victorian Government, which failed to respond.