Student Logan Wild, with the help of his school, organised a gold coin donation and art competition. The competition required everyone to produce a portrait of Tongala street art co-ordinator, Murray Ross.
At a school assembly on Monday, Logan presented the cheque to the club.
Murray was incredibly moved by the donation — he’s been actively involved with Tongala Primary for more than 30 years, starting when his children attended the school.
“I felt incredibly humbled by the portraits, they’re amazing, what a fun thing,” Murray said.
“I’m so rapt and proud that were able to do something like that.”
All funds raised go towards maintaining the Mangan St studio, which opened in January with a team of five students and Murray painting five days a week.
Murray and the other artists in the studio have also been painting murals around Tongala for years.
“In 2001, the group got a grant as part of a Centenary Federation project to paint 10 murals around the town,” Murray said.
“The Lions Club also started the Golden Cow, a tourist information centre that use to be in Tongala.”
This week, the club is putting together a mural to celebrate the footy club reaching this week’s Murray League final.