Echuca-Moama is a thriving community that is only growing. One of the many reasons people love the region is the multitude of groups they can be a part of.
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To help you find the right group, check out our ‘Why not join...’ series each week, where we focus on a community group.
In today’s edition, Emily Donohoe speaks to Echuca Moama Model Railway Club.
With big plans on the horizon for 2025, the Echuca Moama Model Railway Club focuses on teaching and learning together.
Formed 10 years ago, the group has enjoyed a presence at annual events like the Echuca Moama Steam, Iron and Trades Revival, the Campaspe Library Discovery Day and American Iron Echuca Truck Display.
For club secretary Bruce Paroissien, the group has combined his interest with social connection.
“The hobby can be very solitary, so it’s also an excuse to get out and learn new skills,” he said.
A love for trains is shared by many in the group, and joining the club has helped foster their passion.
They have visited railway shows together around the region and as far afield as Melbourne.
The club also has connections with local clubs, including in Shepparton and Bendigo.
“There’s a bit of a social network,” Mr Paroissien said.
“It’s evolving, which is good.”
There are many facets to the creation of model railways, with each member contributing their unique knowledge to the crew.
“(My interest) all started when my dad bought me a train set, probably 60 years ago,” vice-president Alan Bryson said.
“At the end of the day, we’re all fascinated with trains, like real stuff, and being able to replicate things in model form.
“There are a lot of different skills involved in the modelling side, and a lot of electrical knowledge is required.
“It can get quite complicated, so we can all combine our different skills.”
In 2025, the crew is working on building a replica of Echuca’s Railway Station, including the tracks and Loco Shed.
The creation of the model will require all hands on deck, and is a long process to get right.
“It’s all in stages,” Mr Bryson said.
“We’ve got to work out tracks and get that down. The next bit is wiring it all.
“Then once you have the track down, you start looking at all the scenery, buildings and things.
“We’ve got to replicate all the buildings that are there... it will have to be compressed a bit.
“At the end of the day, you’ll be able to look at it and go, ‘oh, that’s Echuca’.”
Based out of their portable at Echuca Rotary Park, they have a workshop setup dedicated to the craft.
They have received support from the Echuca Men’s Shed, based right next door, including equipment and services.
“They’re the ones who suggested we use this site,” Mr Paroissien said.
“They’ve let us use their machines. We’ve had a lot of support from Rotary and the Men’s Shed.”
Every Tuesday the group meets about 10am at their dedicated space in Rotary Park for their working bee.
They are also looking into adding an extra working bee half-day on the weekends.
On the second Thursday of each month they have a 7.30pm meeting, focused more on administration than practical skills.
Echuca Moama Model Railway Club secretary Bruce Paroissien can be contacted on or prospective members can come along to a working bee.
Cadet Journalist