Starting conversations: Alkina Edwards has launched a new collection of Yorta Yorta collouring pages which she hopes will assist in educating people about First Nations history and culture. Pictured is Mariam Elniz with her colouring pages.
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Having recently achieved nation-wide success after collaborating with shoe company Wittner to design their Winyarr collection, Alkina Edwards is back at it again with the launch of her new Yorta Yorta colouring pages.
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With designs that will take your breath away, three packs of Aboriginal colouring pages which feature traditional dancing, native animals and Yorta Yorta language, have now been released.
Ms Edwards said creating the colouring pages had been an enjoyable experience for her as the pages were often shared among a community of people and could be used as an educational tool.
“Sharing artwork amongst a community of people is such an important way to involve others in our history and culture,” Ms Edwards said.
“Whether these pages are used for personal use, in programs or in schools, it makes me pleased to think of people sitting together, yarning, colouring in, sharing and learning from their young Koorie peers.
“It gives me hope that our future generations can come together.”
Ms Edwards said the pages had already been in popular demand since their release two months ago.
“I have received such a warm, overwhelming response which has only inspired me to create even more for our communities,” she said.
It is this kind of inspiration that has motivated Ms Edwards to design more colouring pages that will focus on the learning of language, songs and the telling of in-depth stories.
She also intends to create large colouring books that will target specific age groups.
Empowering First Nations women: Alkina Edwards with her Winyarr collection of shoes, which involved a collaborative effort between Alkina and Wittner shoes.
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In terms of First Nations art being represented and valued, Ms Edwards said there needed to be more education, respect, acknowledgement, and awareness about land, country, history and people.
“Once communities actively choose to educate themselves about Australian history and Aboriginal culture (especially within their local area), non-indigenous people will then start to see the value in our art, culture, and history,” she said.
“I hope that these pages show people who I am as a Koorie woman, who my people are and where I come from. I hope that conversations are initiated and people feel motivated to educate themselves about the oldest living culture in the world.”
Ms Edwards said she loved seeing the “beautiful colouring creations” being sent back to her.
“It warms my heart to see so many people enjoying my culture and something that I have created,” she said.
“I have really appreciated so many schools and programs within the region supporting my business.”
In terms of her future projects, Ms Edwards said all would be revealed soon.