And yet, the bright colours of red and green do not always mimic how everyone feels at this time of the year. For those whose Christmas is a time of grief, blue may be a better colour. Christmas may bring accentuated grief at the loss of a loved one, grief at the end of another year with unfulfilled dreams, grief at broken personal relationships, or grief at loss of ability and worsening health.
At Christmas time, pain and hope are held together. Those living around the time of Jesus’s birth were living under oppression and longed for a Messiah, someone to save them from their hardship. The Biblical prophets had foretold that such a one would be born to Israel. Not many of Jesus’s time would come to recognise that Jesus was the foretold Messiah, the Saviour, the Christ, but those who did began to hope for a better future. Concerning the birth of Jesus, we sing in the carol O Little Town of Bethlehem that “the hopes and fears of all the years are met in thee tonight’’.
Jesus’s birth was unexpected by his earthly parents. This was a family who did not meet societal expectations.
Members of our community may have experienced an unexpected pregnancy and all the difficulties that may bring.
And as we celebrate the birth of Jesus, this birth story may trigger grief for those whose longed-for child has not yet arrived, grief for those whose child was not born alive or whose child was held alive only fleetingly.
The story of Christmas is not devoid of pain and sorrow. Following Jesus’s birth, the family needed to flee their home country to seek safety. The ruler Herod was promising to kill all boy babies of that time in case they were the Messiah and would threaten his authority.
For those feeling sad during this festive season, let us remember that the Lord God in Jesus knows the pain of suffering and holds our pain, loneliness, and loss close to God’s heart. While it may be hard to let go of our grief and sadness, at Christmas it is good to remember that this is the time when we celebrate the birth of God with us in Jesus, Emmanuel. May we have the support and courage to bear these burdens and take each new step with courage and fortitude, knowing that we are not alone.
I invite you to join with us for our Christmas festival from December 11, and worship on Christmas Eve at 7pm, Christmas Day at 9am, and Boxing Day at 10am. Details can be found at or from the church office between10am and 1pm weekdays.
— Rev Michele Lees, minister, Echuca Moama Uniting Church