Sunday, September 8
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Medley stableford
Winner: Jack Opray (24) 38 countback
Balls to 32
Tuesday, September 10
Veterans stableford
A Grade: George McLaughlin (17) 36 points C/B
B Grade: Brian Tate (20) 42 points
C Grade: James Garden (30) 44 points
Balls to 35 points
Wednesday, September 11
Ladies stroke
Monthly Medal winner: Victoria White
A Grade: Patricia Scandrett (23) 71 points
B Grade: Janet Curran (25) 68 points
C Grade: Victoria White (39) 63 points
Balls to 76
Thursday, September 12
Men’s Stroke
A Grade: Freddy Barton (10) 69 net
B Grade: Brian Tate (19) 66 net
C Grade: Ron Smith (22) 71 net
Balls to 74 net
Ladies stroke
A Grade: Barb Truelsen (35) 68 net
Balls to 72 net
Saturday, September 14
Men’s stroke Monthly Medal
August medal winner: Andrew Cossar
September medal Winner: George Hocking
A Grade: Luke Trembath (4) 73 points
B Grade: Cooper Trembath (11) 71 C/B
C Grade: Malcolm McKean (19) 67 points
D Grade: George Hocking (34) 65 points
Balls to 77 points
Ladies stroke Monthly Medal
Medal winner: Julie Anderson
A Grade: Julie Anderson (19) 70 points
Balls to 80 points
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